Aloysious and Boots had two beautiful girls!  

First week pictures:

Week two:


They each have their own style:

Fawn girl

White girl

Week three:

Does this pose make my butt look big?

Do I look happy to you?  Stop asking me.  

Alright - what else?  

I refuse to stand up.

Mom!  Do something!

The standoff

okay I actually like you.  

Here let me pose

I got this

See I can walk off the table!

How's this?

She kissed him a few minutes later.

Week Four:  

Hmmm.  There is food on this table.

"I am not standing up straight"

"Mom that was really exhausting"

"you want me to what??"

"okay if food is involved"

"at least i can stand up straight - not like my sister"

Five Weeks:

"hey you...who is in charge of service here???"

They both have Aloysius heads

Food coma

They really are stinking cute.  Not just cute - more than cute.  

Pictures at 6 weeks